I'm a Celebrity recap Day 3: Amir's Bushtucker triumph - and Jack's shock departure
Amir broke the curse but, despite a genuine feeling of camaraderie around the camp, Jack wasn't so lucky...

All eyes were on Amir as he prepared for his second Bushtucker Trial, but unexpected developments put Jack centre stage. Meanwhile, the rest of the campmates got cosy and we found out who'll be facing the next Trial...
Amir can
Once viewers have seen a former world boxing champion made to scream like a little girl, they want to see it again and again. So Tuesday’s Trial was very much make or break for Amir if he didn’t want to be sucked into an infinite Bushtucker vortex.
Flushed Out involved being trapped inside a seven-storey tower as water flooded in. Amir had to use a spanner to undo the nuts on the numbered doors that ran from the bottom to the top of the tower, with each one holding the tool for the next door – and of course a whole bunch of critters.
As the water rose higher it was a race against time (and drowning), with the tension reaching its peak when, with just a couple of doors to go, Amir dropped the spanner and had to dive all the way to the bottom to find it. Twice. But with literally seconds on the clock he freed himself, taking home six meal tickets for his campmates and most important of all, breaking the Bushtucker curse.
Jack leaves the jungle
Then came a genuine shock announcement from Dec, who revealed that YouTuber Jack Maynard has left the competition “due to circumstances outside of camp” and will be taking no further part in proceedings. Read the full details of that story, including a statement from Jack’s agent, below.
Camp camaraderie
Jack’s departure didn’t come until after the pre-recorded events of the day so had no chance to effect the mood around camp, which was wonderfully warm and supportive. Toff and Stanley had a lot of fun answering questions about their fellow campmates in a task that involved a fairground hammer-and-bell game, with Toff even confessing to camera that, yes, her penchant for older politicians was still going strong.
Stanley later said he was “touched beyond belief" – not by Toff but by Amir, who insisted he take the final meal ticket and join the girls tucking into some delicious emu steaks at Snake Rock.
And when Becky revealed that she’d been labelled a gold-digger when she married her footballer husband, Dennis was quick to defend her – Jamie did his best too, even if calling her “tough as old boots” and “strong as an ox” may not have been the most flattering way to put it.
So who's doing the next Bushtucker Trial?
Before today, all bets would have been on Amir but after seeing him face his demons (or at least his eels, crabs, crayfish and baby crocodiles) the public have clearly realised he's not such a soft touch after all and have moved on to their next victims...
Toff and Becky will be tackling a trial called Worst Dates, summed up in the VT thus: "two celebrities are off for a romantic dinner they'll never forget... because if someone gives you the eye, you have to eat it..."
The chalkboard sign saying "Grubs up" probably doesn't bode too well either...
I'm a Celebrity continues on ITV at 9pm on Wednesday