Name: Sophie Anderton


Age: 43

Famous, why?: Supermodel with a dark past

Bio: “Who said a woman couldn’t get pleasure from something soft?” Not our words but the words of the Gossard underwear ad that helped catapult Sophie Anderton into the limelight back in '96.

Sophie's subsequent success turned her from an ordinary everyday supermodel into an It Girl, and led to a well-publicised relationship and shared cocaine addiction with Australian goalkeeper Mark Bosnich.

Sophie says her cocaine use began aged 17: “I didn’t know what I was doing. Someone offered it to me and told me it would keep me skinny. So I did it.”

In November 2012, Sophie announced that she was “completely clean of addiction" thanks to the support of the foundation set up following Amy Winehouse’s death.

The fomer model is no stranger to reality TV having been a contestant on I’m a Celebrity, as well as Love Island, where she was on particularly fesity form (see below). Back in the day, the BB fan played pundit two years running on Big Brother’s Efourum.

A taste of the Diary Room to come?

Be warned, this clip from Celebrity Love Island contain copious bleeping...


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