He likes to portray himself as a pint-drinking man of the people. But Ukip leader Nigel Farage appears to have met his match – in the drinking stakes at least – in the posh couple from Gogglebox.


The three of them have been brought together for a one-off programme, Steph and Dom Meet Nigel Farage, which will air on Channel 4 on December 15th. It involved an evening at the Parker’s guesthouse in Sandwich, Kent, imbibing vast quantities of alcohol.

“I had two, two-and-a-half pints in the pub with Dom,” Farage told Radio Times on the phone from Strasbourg, and enjoyed “steady consumption…[so] two pints, about five or six glasses [of wine and champagne]" over the course of the whole evening.

He added with a chuckle: “I rather got the impression that they do this every day.

“They are enormous fun. I like a drink but, crikey, these guys are professionals. I think I knew when enough was enough but it was certainly a consistent pace.”

As revealed in this week’s Radio Times, at one point Farage stumbles on a step in their garden and smashes a glass of champagne.

He is then sent off to change his trousers into a pair of ripped jeans thoughtfully provided by Dom (who had thought of proffering a pair of leather slacks).

The smashed glass he blames on “physical incapacity" due to old injuries – he was involved in a plane crash on the day of the 210 election and a serious road accident when he was younger.

But he insisted he got a lot out of the experience and found Steph and Dom “engaging and interesting and fun… I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

See our full gallery of what went on below.

The new issue of Radio Times magazine is on sale from Thursday December 4th in the shops and on Newsstand for iPad or iPhone


