Maisie Williams tried to prank Game of Thrones fans and absolutely nobody fell for it
You'd have to be blind not to recognise Arya Stark

Game of Thrones fans got a shock in California this week when they came face-to-face with Arya Stark.
Drawn in to a gaming store by the offer of free GoT merchandise, fans were surprised to find Maisie Williams behind the till.
Williams - in full prank mode for the Nylon magazine video - was busy insisting she was shop girl Lorraine, with no idea why everyone kept thinking she was in a show about dragons, nudity and violence.
"I'm Lorraine," the Thrones star kept telling the confused shoppers, while insisting the toys of Arya were clearly of a "little boy" character.
But trying to get Williams to admit who she really was was the least of the shoppers' concerns, as to get the free stuff they had to act out a bit of Game of Thrones. No money was needed, Williams explained, but a little bit of dignity might have been given up along the way...
Game of Thrones returns Monday 25th April at 2am and 9pm on Sky Atlantic