Made in Chelsea: Sam Thompson's mystery girl is... Fran Newman Young!
Tiff was not impressed by Louise's brother during tonight's episode – and it turns out a familiar face is the cause of his mischief

Pity the fool that is Sam Thompson. Louise's hapless younger brother has done what no man should do: he's incurred the wrath of the Watson sisters.
It's a shame – it was all going so well. Sammy had pulled off the impossible and scored the affection of new cast member Tiffany who, up until now, had adopted a Lucy Watson-style frosty dismissal of Made in Chelsea's man pool.
But Sam had won her round. Apparently a weakness for boyish immaturity runs in the family, although we were hoping Tiff and Sam's romance would have a longer life than Lucy's ill-fated dalliance with Jamie Laing.
Sadly it doesn't look like it's to be as Sam dropped the bombshell tonight that another girl had slept in his bed after a "pretty big" after party. Although, if we were Sam, we'd have needed a kiss and a cuddle after his disastrous showing at Andy's dinner.
The first hint that Mr Thompson might have played away from home came when he met up with Tiff the next morning, looking worryingly sheepish when she questioned him about a tweet he sent the night before about "loving some girl".
"She's literally just a mate," was his response. "She's quite full on. Very intense," before telling Tiff she had nothing to worry about.
Then came the admission to Jamie and Toff – of all people – that his "mate" had actually shared his bed, again with the reassurance that "I didn't hook up with anyone." "It will get back to her," warned Jamie, chief gossipmonger clearly pre-empting his own gossiping.
So, Sam jumped the gun and decided to come clean to Tiff himself at the evening's circus-themed bash. The intention was well-meaning, the results... well... disastrous.
"You told Toff before you told me?" she raged. The girl had a point – was it wise for Sam to tell the girl Tiff despised about his extra curricular activity? Probably not...
As Lucy wandered over to join her embittered sibling, Sam attempted his best damage limitation, announcing: "She was in the bed and the only person I wanted there was Tiff". But to no avail. Sam wasn't put off – even trying to have "the chat" – but as the Watson sisters strutted off, his hopes were in tatters.
And it ain't getting any better... The trail for next week's episode unmasks the mystery "full on" lady Sam so flatteringly described. And she's a familiar face, too. Fran Newman-Young – last spotted on an early flight home from NYC – is seen meeting the Watson sisters for lunch to reveal the full story of her and Sam's late-night shenanigans. Will he win back Tiff or will Fran put paid to any budding romance? Tune in next week to find out...