Are we witnessing the birth of a new Chelsea "it" couple? After an episode of stolen glances and awkward pauses, Oliver Proudlock has finally asked Lucy Watson out on a date to "just hang out".


The pair's romantic entanglement first began in New York with the shock revelation during the series finale that they'd shared a series of hook ups, much to the anger of one Jamie Laing.

But the opening moments of tonight's episode revealed they hadn't spoken since, with Proudlock telling Spencer, "I haven't really seen her since she's been back." Spenny said what we'd all been thinking - that they'd make a great new MIC couple - but Proudlock wasn't getting ahead of himself.

And a good thing, too, because Miss Watson had her guard firmly intact. "I don't want it to happen because I see where this is going. You actually start to like them - I know that I would start getting annoyed if I saw him with someone else," she told Andy and Stevie on a Devonshire beach. The poor girl looked genuinely panicked.

Switch the action back to London and Proudlock was sharing a beverage with Spencer, Alex and Jamie in a London watering hole and who should walk in but Lucy and her little sister, Tiffany. Cue many an awkward pause as the boiiis' continued to rib the pair's burgeoning romance in front of the visibly cringing Watson girls. "I feel like we're both acting as if nothing's happened," she ranted later to mini Watson.

Why don't you take a risk and go on a date with him, asked Binky over tea the next day. "I'll probably just freak out and get really awkward," was the reply, meanwhile Stevie leant an ear to Proudlock who acknowledged Lucy was "very loyal, very generous and very sweet."

The audience was on tenterhooks, but it took until Spencer Matthews' Saints and Sinners birthday bash (Spenny in angel wings really was something else) for Lucy and Proudlock to finally hang out alone. "You look awesome," he told her. "You look alright," came the deadpan reply.

And finally... "We've never hung out just you and me so I was thinking how about we hang out," propositioned Proudlock. "You could call it a date if you want?" he added, before agreeing to keep it secret.

But Lucy she trust him? The preview for next week shows plenty of flirtatious glances and coy giggles between the pair, but she's still got reservations. "There's something about him I don't trust," she muses. What is it? "I don't know". Guess we'll have to wait until next week to find out...


Made in Chelsea continues next Monday at 9pm on E4


Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,