Let’s Sing and Dance reminded everyone how much we missed Mel and Sue
Don’t ever leave us!

Tonight we saw Matt Edmondson bounce around the stage as Nicki Minaj, Sara Pascoe struggling to see through her Sia wig, and Russell Grant glamming up as Diana Ross. But the act that most impressed everyone tuning into Let’s Sing and Dance for Comic Relief? Mel and Sue.
The Bake Off double act reunited to host the Red Nose Day celebrity dance contest and viewers couldn't have been happier...
The rest of the show is incudental: MEL AND SUE ARE BACK ON THE TELLY!!! #LetsSingAndDance pic.twitter.com/Pm1Vhev2a3
— Elizabeth Trueman (@ETrooms) March 4, 2017
… especially when the two greeted each other with a massive hug.
It wasn't long before some were demanding Mel and Sue be given another Saturday night show.
And every other show on TV, actually...
They even came out with some signature puns...
I love Mel and Sue #LetsSingAndDance #comicrelief
— Sian Trickey (@TrickeyTimeLow) March 4, 2017
And luckily we've got another three shows of Let's Sing and Dance, which means a whole lot more Mel and Sue action on. Bring it on.
Let’s Sing and Dance returns next Saturday, 6:45pm, BBC1