Dog act Max won't stop attacking Ant on Britain's Got Talent
Among all of the talent, a dog chasing the presenter around the set was still a highlight
Among the heavenly choir singers, the death-defying free runners and bonkers comb players (seriously) on last night's Britain's Got Talent was terrier Max, who took an instant dislike to presenter Ant.
Max was apparently supposed to be singing – bizarrely he wasn't the only dog to attempt this stunt last night – but couldn't see past his irritation with the presenter.
"I love dogs!" Ant protested as the Jaws theme music played quietly in the background, Max's gentle growling hinting at what what was coming...
Then, boom! – back off the stage ran little Max, all four legs going as fast as they could manage, leaving his owner Dave lying on the floor honking a horn. Dave tried his hardest to keep his act going – luckily he had a van job lined up for two weeks' time – but it just wasn't to be as Max rounded on Ant over and over again.
It's the little things in life that make you smile, eh?
Britain's Got Talent returns next Saturday at 8:00pm on ITV