Tonight Danny Posthill brought Michael McIntyre back to Britain's Got Talent. Yes, with apparent ease, Danny impersonated the former judge and beloved stand-up comedian with a near-faultless performance (just not quite enough hair...). It seems there are several essential steps to getting McIntyre just right, so here's what we learned from Danny...


The head wobble

Essential to the routine of Michael McIntyre. Usually with more hair, but hey, we get the idea.

Here's the man himself in action:

Walking around stage

There's always a lot of walking in a Michael McIntyre show. Sometimes skipping. Impersonators must comply.

Best to just ditch the pedometer.

The middle class use of an extra word

To go full Michael McIntyre, you must put an extra word in front of a good word to make it sound even better than it already is.

You're never just gazebo'd. You're utterly gazebo'd.

And finally, gesturing.

Very important. Why just make a point when you can gesture with it?

Michael McIntyre 101.


Britain's Got Talent continues next Saturday on ITV
