Binky Felstead blasts tearful Cheska Hull and Lucy Watson on Made in Chelsea
The girls were left out in the cold as their friend continued to give her cheating ex-boyfriend Alex Mytton the time of day
Oh, Binky. How many of us were gesturing wildly at our screens tonight as you continued to sabotage everything that's good in your life with that weasel Alex Mytton. While we and her girlfriends gazed on in disbelief, Binky spent much of this evening's episode continuing to lend an ear to her grovelling ex-boyfriend.
The episode started calmly which is always an ominous sign in SW3. Sure enough, it wasn't long before things got heated as Binky sat and chatted with Lucy and Stephanie.
After Binks admitted to seeing Alex "quite a lot" (alarm bells), Lucy replied, "Can you not stop speaking to me?" An innocent request, or so she thought but when she pushed the point, telling her friend, "when I don't text you, you don't text me," Binky got all hot under the collar. "Do you not think I've got enough s**t to deal with?" she announced before flouncing out of the room, leaving behind a flabbergasted Lucy and Steph.
"It's not about you," the Hills star reassured her pal. "She has a little bit of guilt that she's hanging out with Alex again." No s**t, Sherlock.
But Lucy wasn't the only one to feel left out in the cold by Binks. Cheska, it soon turned out, was also feeling sidelined, informing Spencer she hadn't seen her former BFF for a while. Spenny, for once, had some pearls of wisdom to impart, telling a miserable Cheska, "She loves him so much that whenever bad news is delivered to her she's shooting the messenger."
But sympathise as he did with Cheska, Spenny didn't exactly stick up for her when he met Binky for dinner later on, nodding like a devoted puppy dog as she angrily raged about her friends.
While Cheska shared a tearful lunch with Lucy and Fran, Binky's next confidant was Rosie who she wasted no time in informing: "Cheska and Lucy hate the fact I'm working on things with Alex. If they don't like or approve of it, they're going to make me look like a twat by saying I'm not being a good friend to him."
The girls finally came face-to-face later in the episode as the gang gathered at Sam's party - an occasion which marked the first glimpse of a repentant Alex who spent the evening nestled in the corner with his former girlfriend. "I'll forever be sorry for want I've done," he told her.
"I want to show you that I can be a good guy and I can be good to you. I want to be in a happy relationship with you and sail off into the sunset and get back to where we were."
With MIC dangerously close to morphing into a Disney film, Binky brought us back to reality, telling him, "You're a dickhead. But you're my dickhead. It's for me to deal with, not them. I don't want to see them if it's going to be constant s**t I have to hear."
She soon got the chance to express her true feelings in person, approaching Cheska and Lucy to deliver some home truths. Cheska she informed was "out of order and untoward pushing your opinions on something so personal to me." As for Lucy... "The world does not revolve around you," she told her. "I'm going through a lot of s**t. Lucy, at the end of the day, I don't really care."
Ignoring the protestations of both, she stormed off (again), telling Cheska to "Go f**k yourself" on the way out. And by the looks of next week's trail, we should expect plenty more tears and tantrums to come...