10 hilariously awkward handshakes
As you might expect, it's just a list of handshakes that go terribly, terribly wrong...

Awards season is in full swing with the Bafta Film Awards this Sunday and the Oscars just around the corner, which means lots of handshaking. Congratulatory handshakes, handshakes when an award is accepted, consolatory handshakes...
A handshake is a pretty simple greeting between two human beings. But it can go so, so wrong. And when it does, Twitter account @awkhandshake, and indeed @awkwardshaking, are there to catch the action.
Here's some of our favourites...
Up first, the quick-change-into-backslap move
So many people, so much pain
Oh gosh, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's just so into it
If at first you don't succeed... give up. Oh, do please give up
Just going to file this under, 'How did this happen?'
A poke in the eye is sort of a well done... right?
This dude totally styles it out... until the guy next to him points out that he's seen. Darn.
All together now: "Allllll by myself...."
Make. It. Stop.
And finally, two's company, three's a crowd springs to mind...