Poldark series 3 episode 7 review: Cornwall says farewell to another much-loved character
We bid adieu to a giant from Trenwith as Demelza's eye wanders from Ross and poor Morwenna deals with her monstrous husband

“Let me have my party,” wailed poor Aunt Agatha in perhaps the first – and last – moment of vulnerability for the fabulously crotchety old lady.
But she wasn’t getting a party. The poor dear wasn’t even getting a funeral.
After she died tonight in yet another moving instalment of a gripping series of Poldark, her coffin was dumped unloved and unmourned in the churchyard grounds by ghastly George.
Good job Ross was on hand to bury a woman he rather beautifully described thus: “She was a Poldark, a most beloved Aunt, George will pay for this…she was a great lady and a rare spirit. It’s the least I could do to honour her.”

It was a memorable visit to Cornwall where fissures appeared in the Demelza/Ross relationship once more. Demelza feels neglected and has attracted the attentions of dashing young Hugh Armitage (Josh Whithouse), the man her husband rescued from the French prison.
But Ross was having none of it when she intimated that Hugh had eyes for her. Knocking off his boots before going to bed, Ross told his wife: “Not every man in Cornwall is besotted with you.”
Well, one is, and after a lot of rather hard-to-stomach swooning from young Hugh (plus a sketch he made of Demelza while dining) he pretty much declared himself.
The taster for next week's episode showed Ross telling his wife that he still loves Elizabeth so that will be one to watch. As will Hugh's continued wooing of Demelza.
Elsewhere poor Morwenna is having altogether more obvious problems with toe-sucking toe-rag Osborne Whitworth who has taken to threatening her with violence and, it is suggested, is an extremely unpleasant and violent bedfellow.
He clearly has sex with her on a whim, and her description of him as a monster probably seems mild when one imagines the reality of her plight.
Will Drake come to her rescue?
“I love Drake Carne, I love Drake Carne" was the now pregnant Morwenna's poignant night-time mantra.
For Drake's part, his feelings are still strong but he appears to have sublimated them in religion. In his new blacksmith quarters (which he now has thanks to Ross's beneficence), he fashioned a mother and child pendant. Ostensibly it was of Mary and Jesus but we all knew he meant Morwenna and her infant. The sacred and profane. Will they ever be together?

Her possible rescue appears to have come in the form of her worldly sister, Rowella (Esme Coy), who has cottoned on to Osborne’s foot fetishisms and is playing what looks to be a dangerous game – showing her ankle and ensuring that he leaves the room to relieve himself. Another one to watch.
George seems to have bettered Ross in the political stakes as well, despite starting the episode looking the absolute chump.
“I do wonder if it’s wise trying so hard,” Elizabeth suggested in response to his toe curdling crawling to the aristo Lord Falmouth. And he was kept waiting at Sir Francis Basset’s palatial pad while Ross played at skittles.
But George got the last laugh. Overhearing Ross getting offered the chance to be the MP, he took the opportunity when the pig-headed Poldark turned the offer down.
Having overheard Burgess Basset’s cry for reform in Cornwall, George has presented himself as the radical candidate. Whether he will be able to keep up the pretence of being a friend to the poor is probably unlikely. Not when one considers his treatment of the elderly...
Because it was his cruel ploy to deny Agatha her party which saw to her demise. George found out she was not nearing 100, but was in fact two years younger, and cancelled the much-anticipated gathering. Her joy for life finally went too and she expired.
‘Tis a black moon hangs over Cornwall,” said Aunt Agatha earlier this series and for once let’s hope she’s right. Ross says George will pay for his slight on the great lady Agatha and here’s hoping he gets his chance at retribution.
Poldark season three airs on Sundays from 8/7c, PBS Masterpiece