Have we seen the last of Brianna and Roger in Outlander season 3?
Will the pair be back? Or was it just another brief visit?

Outlander's newest dynamic duo, Brianna (Sophie Skelton) and Roger (Richard Rankin), have been winning hearts ever since they first popped up in the season two finale so, needless to say, fans have been very excited to see them getting a little more air time.
Over the past fortnight we've followed them as they set out on the hunt for Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) with Claire (Caitriona Balfe) but now that she's found the man she was looking for, what's next for Roger and Bree? Will we see more of them in season three?
"They're not in this season as much as you might think," executive producer Ronald Moore revealed to RadioTimes.com. "I don’t want to mislead people. We will definitely touch into their story again and we’re going to move their romance forward a big step, but they actually come into the story in a much bigger way in season four."
Hmm, sounds slightly as though we *might* have seen the last of them then, although nothing is confirmed. Who knows when the pair may pop up again?
They are VERY excited about season four, though.
"Season four, book four, is our favourite book, we both said," Skelton explained. "There's a really great story for Roger and Brianna."
Here's hoping we won't have to wait too long to see it.