Melissa McCarthy WILL return to Gilmore Girls
The comedy actress will reprise her role as Sookie in new episodes of the drama on Netflix

Put down that cup of coffee and take a deep breath. Sookie St. James IS returning to Stars Hollow.
After months of speculation (read: hoping, praying and keeping our fingers tightly crossed) Melissa McCarthy has confirmed that she will star in Netflix's Gilmore Girls reboot.
"There has been something I've been asked about so, so many times and it hasn't worked out. They are making four new movies of the Gilmore Girls which is a show that was near and dear to my heart. We could not get those schedules to work," she said on Ellen's US chat show.
But she had a surprise in store for the studio audience. "Literally about an hour and a half ago we figured out that I am going to go back and do it and I am so excited," she revealed.
"They are going to be amazing. Amy Sherman-Palladino [the show's creator] is going to squeeze me in to do it. I'm very happy to go back to Stars Hollow... it's happening."
McCarthy's involvement had been up in the air because of her many work commitments. Since Gilmore Girls ended in 2007, the 45-year-old has become one of Hollywood's busiest comedy actresses, starring in the likes of Bridesmaids, Spy, The Heat, The Boss and the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot.
"I’ve been told by her people for months, ‘Can’t happen. Can’t happen. Can’t happen,'" Sherman-Palladino told Entertainment Weekly a couple of months ago, adding: "There’s nothing juicy or hidden here. It’s a matter of she’s one of the top working actresses in films today, and we are very proud of her."
The news means that pretty much all our Stars Hollow faves, from Luke to Paris will be back. Is anyone else feeling slightly hysterical?

Gilmore Girls is returning for brand new episodes on Netflix