Here’s how that epic Game of Thrones wildfire sequence was made
You might be surprised at just how much CGI was used

If you watched the last episode of HBO fantasy Game of Thrones this year, then you may have wondered how on Earth (or, you know, Planetos) the bloody drama managed to pull off one of its most breathtaking sequences yet – Cersei’s attack on the Great Sept of Baelor, when Lena Headey’s Lannister schemer set off a cache of explosive wildfire and destroyed all her enemies in one fell swoop.
Happily, now the secrets of that big green explosion have been revealed, thanks to this exhaustive step-by-step visual effects breakdown provided by Rising Sun Pictures.
If you like your movie magic unspoiled, look away now…
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Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.