Gillian Anderson penning "revolutionary self-help guide" for women titled WE
The Fall and X-Files star is teaming up with novelist Jennifer Nadel to write a book which will be released on International Women's Day 2016

Actress, sci-fi icon, Emmy award-winner and now feminist fiction writer. The Fall's Gillian Anderson is putting down scripts and picking up a pen to write a self-help book.
The 46-year-old, who stars opposite Fifty Shades' Jamie Dornan in the hit BBC2 crime drama, is teaming up with journalist and novelist Jennifer Nadel to write what publisher Atria is describing as a “revolutionary self-help guide” for women.
The project, titled WE, will, says Hollywood Reporter, address the spiritual, emotional and psychological needs of all women.
"[It's a] call-out to all women around the world – and by women I include girls, transgender, anyone who identifies themselves as being intrinsically female…that we need to stick together and stand up for each other and not compete against each other," Anderson says of her book.
"There is a point at which everything intersects – the psychological, the spiritual, the material, and the political. WE is about taking a journey to that point, and when we reach it suddenly everything becomes possible," adds Nadel.
Anderson will be fitting WE around filming the third season of The Fall, and new episodes of The X-Files. It was announced that the actress, and her co-star David Duchovny, would be reviving characters Mulder and Scully for a six-part run after 13 years last month.
WE will be published on International Women's Day, 8th March 2016.
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