Aaron Paul has learned the hard way not to joke around with his Breaking Bad fans. They're a serious bunch.


Cast your mind back to Saturday and you may have seen an Instagram post from the actor teasing a "top secret" new project that he absolutely, categorically was not allowed to tell us about.

Can't wait to tell you what this is all about. It's top secret for now but you all will know soon enough. It's a new gig that I am over the moon about. Thank you angel for sending this to me from across the country. Love you lots and lots.

A photo posted by Aaron Paul (@glassofwhiskey) on Jun 13, 2015 at 6:50pm PDT

Then last night, the actor took to social media once again to post a link to Periscope along with the tantalising words: "top secret not so top secret anymore...."

As you can imagine, the internet got pretty excited, especially when it turned out the live video link featured the Breaking Bad actor in his Boston hotel room talking to 3,000 Periscope followers about plans for a Breaking Bad spin-off. Yeah b***h!

The fandom exploded...

The beauty of #periscope is hearing live about a Breaking Bad spinoff with @aaronpaul_8 #LETSGOOOO #BreakingBad

— Charles Weickert (@cnweickert) June 16, 2015

Finding out there's a Jesse Pinkman @aaronpaul_8 #BreakingBad spinoff in the works pic.twitter.com/dqOr9NvMfC

— Pat Ward (@DPatrickWard) June 16, 2015

But their joy was short-lived as it became clear Paul was merely pulling their leg. Not everyone found the joke funny.

When @aaronpaul_8 thinks it's funny to joke about a Jesse pinkman spinoff???

— Noah Hernandez (@noah_hrndez) June 16, 2015

The actor soon took to Twitter to apologise to his 2.4 million followers...

Sorry for the joke everybody. I love you all so much. Hugs and kisses.

— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) June 16, 2015

And, to make it up to everyone, suggested a group trip to the cinema in Boston where he's currently shooting his new movie with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Kevin Hart.


Seriously, Aaron?


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Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor, RadioTimes.com