As Miller and Hardy's investigation into Trish Winterman's attack continues apace, a whole host of new Broadchurch suspects have emerged from the woodwork.


It may be a small town but the inhabitants aren't short on secrets, and as the story rumbles on we have LOTS of new questions to ask. Like...

1. Who sent the flowers?

Trish was horrified to find a bouquet on her doorstep with the words ‘thinking of you’ printed on the card that came with them.

Could they have been ordered by the same person who sent the text messages? Were they masterminded by her attacker in an attempt to torment her further? Or could they have been sent be a genuine well-wisher with awful timing?

“I’m so sorry, god that sounds so useless”, said Ian when he called around earlier in the episode, attempting to see his wife. Could he have sent the flowers as a misguided gesture of support?

2. Did Lucas really pick someone up and take them away from the party?

“It’s daft, but I picked up a fare off the road,” he told Hardy and Miller when they revealed they knew he hadn’t picked up any of the passengers who’d made bookings.

Lucas claimed his fare was walking away from Axehampton at about 9.30pm and said he took him miles away to another village.

But did he really? And even if he did, would he still have had time to get back and attack Trish?

3. Why does Lucas have a drawer of trophies?

If we didn’t think Lucas was creepy before (we did, to be honest), we most definitely do now.

We spied Trish’s keyring in his drawer, but what else is among that vast array of trinkets he seems to be keeping in the work bench in his garage?

Check out our detailed analysis, conducted in the TV crime lab, here.

4. What’s going on with Lucas and his step-son Michael?

The pair certainly don’t seem to have the best relationship and struggled to communicate when Lucas came home from work. Did Michael refuse to speak to his step-dad because of his penchant for cheating on his mum? Or could something far more sinister lie at the root of the pair’s problems?

We bet Ellie Miller would be keen to know more about their relationship, given the fact her son Tom is teaming up with Michael to distribute pornographic links in school.

5. What’s on Ian’s laptop?

Smug rope shop boy Leo returns! And guess what, he’s an expert at wiping laptops – for a price. Because of course he is.

But what did Ian want removed from his device? And why was he so desperate to have it wiped as soon as possible?

6. Did Ian really black out on the night of the party?

“I told the police what I did at the party. Who I saw, how I got home, but I made it all up,” Ian revealed to Jim in the garage after his phone call with daughter Leah.

“I blacked out. I’d had a row with Sarah because she hates all of you and you hate her, and I had a row with Trish and then I started drinking tequila,” he said. “I just remember waking up on the grass near the lake.”

We all known Trish was attacked near the lake, so could Ian really have been involved? Or would he have been too drunk to carry out such a heinous crime?

“My wife has been raped and I don’t know where I was,” he claimed. But given he chose to put his clothes and shoes in a special bag, do we really believe him?

7. Why was Ed in the gardens at Axehampton House?

Farm shop owner Ed sung Trish’s praises when questioned about the night of her attack and even gave a DNA swab to Miller and Hardy.

His description of his movements after his fight with Jim extended as far as “I was around and then I went home," but one of the musicians who attended told Miller and Hardy that he saw him heading off into the gardens at about 11.30pm. “That bloke from the farm shop, he was in a right old mood, he looked like he wanted to kill someone”, he added.

Now, the party's caterer – who bears a resemblance to Ed – also said he was in the garden around that time, having a 10 minute cigarette break and “wander in the garden”. He claimed he had walked around the lake and back sometime between 11.30pm and midnight and didn't see anyone else down there, so could the musician have been mistaken? Could he have been putting two and two together and making five?

And if Ed was really in the garden, could he have been down there to attack the woman he says his own shop would be “lost without”?

8. What did Daisy Hardy do?

Hardy finally revealed where he’d been over the past two years, telling Miller that his best attempts to get back to family life with Daisy and her mum had failed.

Daisy apparently got herself into a spot of trouble and her relationship with her mum suffered as a result, so Hardy moved her back to Broadchurch with him in the hopes of offering her a fresh start.

It’s not clear how well that’s working out, though, especially given the fact that when “the boys” called for her at home they said it was most likely she’d be at the park – instead of at school, where Hardy expected her to be.


What is young Daisy up to? And why is she hanging around with Clive’s stepson (that’s him at the back) who we know is mixed up in Tom Miller’s porn sharing antics…
