Saturday Night Live mocks Donald Trump's Twitter habit. President-elect immediately responds – on Twitter
Alec Baldwin continued his impersonation of Trump on the US entertainment show – but he didn't see the funny side

Alec Baldwin's parody of President-elect Donald Trump could be the heavyweight actor's most important role yet – but Trump himself definitely isn't seeing the funny side.
Saturday Night Live kicked off their latest show with a skit making fun of Trump's prolific tweeting during a time when, you know, he probably has more pressing things to deal with.
The sketch shows Baldwin's Trump and Kate McKinnon's Kellyanne Conway in a security briefing, with Trump retweeting random messages instead of listening to his advisors fill him in on Syria.
Within an hour of the show airing, guess who was commenting?
President-elect Trump called the show "unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad."
Shall we call that a one-star review?
Baldwin has a right of reply of course.
Isn't 2016 politics remarkable?