Micky Flanagan on getting caught up in Christmas
“My wife loves Christmas. Suddenly I live in a grotto. Like a lot of men, Christmas is something that happens to you…”

Comedian Micky Flanagan doesn’t “Bah humbug” Christmas, but in his view, it’s a holiday that sort of “happens” to men.
“My wife absolutely loves Christmas. It’s very, very Christmassy [in the Flanagan household]. Suddenly I live in like a grotto or something. I’ve stopped fighting this battle years ago. I just let her get on with it,” Flanagan tells RadioTimes.com.
“Like a lot of men, Christmas is something that happens. It happens to you,” he explains. “You don’t look forward to it particularly. You don’t invest in it. It happens around you and you try to survive it in whatever way you can without exploding.”
Who doesn’t love the never-ending search for the end of the Sellotape? The frantic shop for a turkey, or the one blown bulb that’s ruining the entire tree… ahem.
Anyway, Micky can’t completely put his feet up.
“I think we’re putting some lights in the tree outside this year. That’ll be me, up the tree…”
And of course, Father Christmas is well looked after.
“Santa gets left a glass of Cava. Why not?” he smiles. “We put the carrot out and the cake and we sort of put footprints going across the kitchen floor.”
Although Micky’s not sure his young lad Max, who’s eight this year, is entirely sold on the whole thing.
“It’s in the balance. Certainly there’s something going on with him and his mates. Suddenly things are being questioned.
"He used to watch a TV series called Arthur, this was his moral compass. He deleted them all the other day. They just went. So you can see their innocence slowly shifting. That’s why you’ve got to hold onto it I suppose."
Micky Flanagan's Detour De France is available now on Blu-Ray, DVD and digital download with an exclusive extra episode.
Plus, see Micky on The Big Fat Quiz of the Year Monday 29 December at 10:00pm on Channel 4