The course of true love never did run smooth – and The Big Bang Theory’s Amy and Sheldon are finding that out the hard way. The pair (played by Mayim Balik and Jim Parsons) broke up just before the sitcom’s 9th season (beginning on E4 tonight), and despite Sheldon’s efforts to win her back, it looks like she’s moving on with another skinny fella – Stephen Merchant.


According to the Hollywood Reporter, Merchant and fellow guest star Analeigh Tipton are set to play rival dates for Amy and Sheldon in an upcoming episode, and you can kind of see why Merchant would be a suitably Sheldon replacement.

A tall thin guy, a bit geeky and socially awkward – if he refuses to move from certain seats in any given room, he’s a keeper. Still, we can’t help but root for their date to fail. We're Sheldon and Amy shippers for life


The Big Bang Theory is on e4 tonight (Thursday 22nd October) at 8.30pm
