Dobby's back! And other things we've learned from the set of Peep Show
Creator Sam Bain has been posting behind-the-scenes pictures on his Instagram account – but how much new information can we glean about Mark and Jez?

The ninth and final series of Peep Show is filming right now, and co-creator Sam Bain has been sharing shots from the set online.
Having got used to speculating wildly on what a single screenshot from Doctor Who might mean for the new series, what's stopping us doing the same with Peep Show before it returns later this winter? Nothing. Nothing at all.
Dobby's back!
She was never really going to go to New York permanently, was she?
Even more intriguingly, the numbers on the door have settled once and for all who is better: Mark or Jez?
Number one, baby.
Jeremy has a suit
At first glance this picture is all about Super Hans's "disguise", but while his bright blue zoot suit is impressive, take a closer look at Jeremy... in a tie? Perhaps his life coaching career really did take off.
In other news, Mark is also wearing a suit.
Alan Johnson's back
Planning an aggressive takeover of Argos?
Hmm, perhaps not.
Mark goes to Dalston
In many ways, a trendy hair salon on Kingsland Road is Mark's natural habitat. We just can't think of any of those ways right now.
The cheese isn't real
This is just the kind of revelation you expect when you follow screenwriters on Instagram. But is it Dobby's "personal cheese"?
Peep Show's budget is massive
Camping chairs? You've changed.
Peep Show selfies are scary
Sam Bain took us on a tour of Mark's flat via the medium of selfies. Even though the crew have spent years filming the world through Mark and Jez's point of view, turning the camera on themselves is still a bit awkward.
Oh, and while we're chez Mark and Jez, did you know that for the first two series Peep Show was filmed in an actual flat?
True fact.