Transformers director defends decision to use Churchill's Blenheim Palace as Nazi HQ
“Churchill would be smiling," says Michael Bay, "when you see the movie you’ll understand...”

Director Michael Bay has defended his decision to use Winston Churchill’s Blenheim Palace birthplace as a Nazi headquarters in the next Transformers film after the news was met with outrage from war veterans.
One veterans group said those who had fought in the Second World War “will be appalled by this” after swastika flags were draped over the mansion where Churchill was born, while the ex-commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, was quoted by The Sun as saying “I know its a film, but it’s symbolically disrespectful to Churchill. He will be turning in his grave.”
While promoting Transformers: The Last Knight, Bay said he “would do nothing to disrespect veterans” and that the Second World War prime minister is a “big hero” in the movie, telling the BBC: “People have not been fortunate enough to read the script and they don't know that Churchill in this movie is a big hero.”
“Churchill would be smiling… when you see the movie you’ll understand.”

Blenheim Palace
Transformers: The Last Knight is in UK cinemas from 2017