New Star Wars vehicles look like a mechanical sloth and a big slice of pizza
Two new ships from The Last Jedi have been revealed

Two new vehicles from Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi have been revealed, and they're... quite odd looking.
Following on from the revelation that Kylo Ren's new ride for The Last Jedi will be the stylish TIE Silencer, Lucasfilms' officially-produced web-series The Star Wars Show, has given fans their first look at the AT-M6 walker and the First Order Dreadnought. Check them out below.
AT-M6 walker

What we know so far: Is it a giant metal sloth? No, it's an AT-M6 walker, and it's probably more dangerous than it looks. It's name stands for "All-Terrain Megacaliber Six”, and it has been described by Star Wars Show hosts Andi Gutierrez and Anthony Carboni as "way bigger than a standard AT-AT". They've already been spotted in some of the Last Jedi footage we've seen so far - they're what Finn and his team are flying toward on the planet Crait.
First Order Dreadnought

What we know so far: This triangular, pizza-like ship is a "mandatory four class warship", and it's absolutely massive - at 25,162.8 feet long.
Check out the latest episode of The Star Wars Show below for all the details.
Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi will be released in UK cinemas on 15th December 2017.