Michael Fassbender doesn't think he was very good in X-Men: Days of Future Past
"It's just like some dude shouting"

You know how weird it is when you hear your own voice back? Well, it seems to really bother Michael Fassbender who has given a less than flattering review of his own work in 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Watching a scene back of his work as the Erik Lehnsherr (aka Magneto) at the Toronto Film Festival, Fassbender decided it was all just a bit, well, loud.
"I don’t actually like that performance there, to be honest," Vulture reports the actor saying. "I just think it’s me shouting. It’s just like…some dude shouting."
Told by the moderator that it was 'too late now', the actor bemoaned: "I know. Tell me about it."
Clearly everyone else wasn't on the same page as he was back for X-Men Apocalypse. And you know Hollywood - they'll boot them out if they want to.
Perhaps Fassbender should just turn the volume down a bit?