Let’s have a good laugh at how bad CGI was in the 90s
Sorry, Dragonheart

2016: a year of Brexit and Trump in-fighting – the age of the spaced-out Toblerone bar.
However, with all that gloom it's important to remember that we also live in a post-Avatar age of CGI where cinema can bring to life the Multiverse in Doctor Strange, the planet-destroying power of Starkiller Base in Star Wars and the gravitas of Shere Khan in The Jungle Book.
In other words, as much as we moan about the modern world we should always be thankful we’re no longer subjected to the CGI attempts of the 1990s. Well, until we look back on them in videos like the one below.
Feast your eyes on the poorly rendered, green-screen failing efforts of the likes of Lost in Space, Dragonheart, the Star Wars special editions and The Langoliers.
However, as bad as the '90s visual effects were, none of the clips above can beat this visual effect from 1983's Jaws 3D.
Terrifying, but in all the wrong ways.