The cast of The Hunger Games spent three weeks filming in a cramped, dark, wet sewer for the upcoming finale, but chat show host James Corden is finding it hard to have any sympathy for "poor tall handsome Liam Hemsworth".


"Poor Liam Hemsworth was stood like this," co-star Natalie Dormer explained on The Late Late Show with her head to one side, the actor evidently too tall to stand upright in the sewer.

But Corden can't quite get his head around this idea of a "poor Liam Hemsworth".

"Poor Liam Hemsworth is something no one has ever said," he teased.

"Yeah, I just really feel for him. It must be so hard being that tall... oh, god, yeah every time I see him in a new movie I think 'Poor Liam Hemsworth'. His jaw, it was so cold, it was just chattering and it made it amazing..."

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Yep, zero sympathy here Hemsy.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is released in cinemas today


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