IT Chapter Two has now hit cinemas, bringing the sorry saga of Stephen King’s scary clown to a close – but Andy Muschietti is keen to stress it’s not the end of our adventures in Derry.


The director has now said he’s keen to do a “supercut” of the film, sandwiching together Chapter Two with 2017’s Chapter One with previously cut material.

“We’re in talks with the studio to make a supercut, which is basically the two movies edited together with all the material that is not in the released versions,” he told ET Online.

Muschietti said the new special edition films will include two brand new sequences that he is yet to film – one drawing straight from King’s 1000 page horror opus, and the other from his own mangled imagination.

Bill Hader and James Ransome in IT Chapter Two (WB)
Bill Hader and James Ransome in IT Chapter Two (WB)

“Yeah, there are a couple of scenes that I want to shoot to make this a new experience,” he added. “One thing is from the novel and the other thing is not. I want to be a little cryptic about it.”

The supercut will not be for the faint-hearted or the weak-bladdered, with Muschietti guessing the extended version could be over six-and-a-half hours – and has even teased of releasing it as a series.

“People can choose how to see it, all in one or, you know, making little pauses," he said. "Or bingeing! Maybe it's divided in episodes.

“People now, they binge a series for 10 hours of viewing, so it wouldn't surprise me."


IT Chapter Two is in cinemas now


Kimberley BondEntertainment Correspondent,