Harry Potter actors reveal the questions they still want to ask JK Rowling
Draco Malfoy, George Weasley and Luna Lovegood have some unanswered questions lingering in their minds...

Speculating about the secrets of Harry Potter never gets old – and JK Rowling herself spends plenty of time revealing tidbits about her characters on Twitter, like why Harry Potter named his son after Snape, or which is her favourite chapter.
But even with these lovely insights into Rowling's mind, there's so much more we'd like to know – and we're not the only ones. The actors also have some unanswered questions. At the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood, Tom Felton, Evanna Lynch and Oliver Phelps were asked by Entertainment Weekly if they had anything they'd really like to know from Rowling about their characters' fates...
Oliver Phelps, who played George Weasley, wants to know what George would do with his company, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
"Like, does he expand it? Or does he just keep it as homage to his brother? Or does he go, we’re going to open it up elsewhere?"
Evanna Lynch said she'd like to know about Luna Lovegood's mum.
"I’ve always wondered what she’s like. We’ve just been told her name is Pandora and that she died doing an experiment, and I just wonder, I really am curious what was her relationship with Luna? Because obviously she’s so close to her dad, and I find that there’s always one parent that you have more in common with or that you confide in more, and I wonder … was that her mom? Or just what kind of person she was."
Tom Felton, aka Draco Malfoy, wasn't sure what to ask – but he did have some lovely words for Rowling and his character...
"There’s a beautiful understanding between him and I, I think. I miss him. I miss him a lot. But Jo has such a wonderful way of making these characters so rich and full anyway. I suppose all the things that I don’t know are assumed. But I also know that Jo is an endless wealth of knowledge so if I ever have anything that was puzzling me, I know she’d be more than happy for me to ask her. You’ve got me picking my brains now. I’ll have to message her tomorrow."
Of course, he can just message Rowling at any time, day or night. He probably has her on speed dial. Well, it's alright for some!
We'll just keep wondering over here and hope that Twitter brings us some Potter joy...