When is Frozen on TV this Christmas?
And how well do you know the lyrics to Frozen's Let it Go?

Since 2013 when Disney released their 53rd animated feature, Frozen has become a regular fixture at Christmas for families across the world.
Following the story of sisters Elsa and Anna in the fictional kingdom of Arendelle, Frozen stars Kristin Bell and Idina Menzel and is one of the most successful Disney films ever made. The movie is inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Snow Queen.
This year British television fans will be treated to a Christmas screening of the film on Christmas Eve (24th December), BBC1 at 3pm.
But as the nation's kids sing along to the many classic tunes in the film - including Do You Wanna be a Snowman and For the First Time in Forever, there will be one tune that everyone is waiting for...
Yes, you guessed it - Let it Go, the international chart hit that has become a mainstay in schoolyards and karaoke bars across the land.
Have fun - it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!