Freeview film of the day: Hanna
Teenager Saoirse Ronan learns the tricks of the trade from her assassin father and they soon come in handy.

Hanna ★★★★
9.00-11.10pm E4
Now a film veteran at 23, Bronx-born, Dublin-raised Saoirse Ronan went from standout supporting child star of Joe Wright’s Atonement to teenage lead in globe-trotting espionage tale Hanna, for the same director, in just four years. As the title character, a 16-year-old assassin, trained from birth by ex-CIA father Eric Bana, the magnetic Ronan easily carries this assuredly complex if slightly fidgety story, as it moves from icy Finland to austere Berlin via Morocco, Spain and France. The Agency, personified by equally chilly Cate Blanchett, wants Hanna neutralised; on the run, she uses Bourne-like ingenuity and pieces together her past. Tom Hollander steals the film as a deliciously camp killer among a lively British supporting cast including Downton’s Michelle Dockery and some truly odd locations. Ronan has since shone inThe Grand Budapest Hotel and Brooklyn, and has four films on the slate this year.
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