Ladybird drop books for girls and boys
The children's book publisher will stop all gender-specific branding after almost 100 years

Children's book publisher Ladybird is set to remove gender specific branding from all their titles.
The publisher, which produced the Peter and Jane reading scheme, is set to take 'for girls' and 'for boys' labelling off their books.
It currently publishes Favourite Fairy Tales for Girls, which features Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, and Favourite Stories for Boys, which includes the stories of Jack and the Beanstalk and the Three Little Pigs.
Stating that they don't wish to be "limiting children in any way", the publisher have announced that copies will now be printed without gender labelling.
"At Ladybird we certainly don’t want to be seen to be limiting children in any way," reads a statement. "Out of literally hundreds of titles currently in print, we actually only have six titles with this kind of titling."
They are the seventh publisher to commit to the Let Books Be Books campaign which aims to let children choose which books and themes interest them without stereotyping through titling or gendered book covers.
"Just like labelling toys ‘for girls’ or ‘for boys’ these books send out very limiting messages to children about what kinds of things are appropriate for girls or for boys," says the campaign. "Just like labelling toys for girls or boys, we think these book titles are limiting and restrictive. It’s time that publishers Let Books Be Books and leave children free to choose their interests for themselves."