Jackie Collins seeks the "next big name" in erotic fiction
ITV's Racy Reads competition will give one new author the chance to have their work published

Novelist Jackie Collins has launched a competition on ITV’s Lorraine to find the “next big name” in erotic fiction.
Collins, author of such steamy pre-Fifty Shades fodder as The Stud and Thrill!, is fronting Lorraine’s Racy Reads campaign, which will give would-be writers of erotica the chance to have their pulse-quickening work scrutinised by professionals.
So if you're a master of saucy syntax and flirty phrasing, now's your chance to share your undiscovered talents with the world.
Amateur authors interested in enterting the contest are urged to send the first 1000 words of their knee-trembling novels to ITV’s Lorraine website by Monday 28 January, where each entry will be judged by Collins and a team from romance publishers Mills and Boon.
The winning author will get an advance from Mills and Boon, as well as being given the chance to finish their book and have it published. They’ll also be given the chance to fly out to America to spend time with Collins and pick up some writing tips from the best-selling author.
Talking about the contest, Collins said: “Writing is always a kick because I am passionate about creating interesting and complex characters. Inspiration is all around me.
“My advice to would be writers is sit down and do it! And most important, write about what you know."
Three finalists will be revealed during the week commencing Monday 11 February, and the outright winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day. Good luck!