Nick Grimshaw on bed-bound TV parties, Rihanna and why he called his dog Stinky Blob
Ahead of Radio 1's Big Weekend, the BBC breakfast DJ also chats about holidaying with mum and coping with early starts

You hang out with models and pop stars – is your TV set-up edgy and exciting?
It’s in a bookshelf. I’m one of those people who puts books above and below the telly so it looks like you’re not that bothered about the telly when really that’s all you do. Often when my friends come round we watch telly in bed.
How many friends can you fit in your bed at once?
Four people and three dogs.
Sounds like a party. Are the three dogs yours?
I’ve got two – an English bull terrier called Pig and a… well, we don’t really know what he is. He’s called Stinky Blob. They proper, proper love spooning each other.
Those names…
Pig is because she makes grunting noises instead of barking and she’s a bit pink. Stinky Blob because he was so tiny when I got him and he was almost round he was so fat, just like a blob. And he smelled really bad…
What do you watch on TV?
I’ve got into Corrie. My friend comes round every Monday and we have DCM – Double Corrie Monday.
You live in trendy east London – what’s the decor like?
Everything is dark blue with dark wooden floors, it’s womb-like and cosy. My kitchen’s glass and open and airy so I wanted the lounge to be like a den. It’s so nice to curl up in, especially when you get the fire on.
You’ve been on holiday with Kate Moss. Who’s your favourite beach companion?
I went on holiday with my mum for the first time recently. We went to Miami and New York. She wasn’t very up for a holiday with me. She said, “Oh no, are you going to speak every day? You’re not going to talk all day, are you?” I think she was dreading it, but we actually had a really nice time together because when you’re away with your mum you can be brutally honest.
Who is your dream radio guest?
Rihanna’s never come into the studio. I doubt she has any intention of doing that because I don’t think she likes the morning. If I was Rihanna I probably wouldn’t wake up at 7am either.
How do you cope with mornings?
I only wake up an hour and a half before I go on air. I’ve been running to work recently and by the time I get to work I’m super awake. It can be weird waking up, getting in a cab and going into the studio without being outside at all.
Do you have serious running gear?
Yeah, I have the proper look, all black. I go like a ninja.
Nick Grimshaw presents Radio 1’s Big Weekend from 1pm on Radio 1 on Saturday and Sunday. You can also watch live on BBC iPlayer