Multiple companions and the return of Captain Jack! What Doctor Who fans want from series 11
More than 3,500 fans told what they want to see when Jodie Whittaker takes over the Tardis

The time for Peter Capaldi's regeneration and showrunner Steven Moffat's departure from Doctor Who is fast approaching – and fans already know what they want when Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall take over Doctor Who after the Christmas Day special. put the question to the Whoniverse and more than 3,500 fans shared their thoughts and opinions on the future of the series with us.
Here's what they had to say...
Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor should have more than one companion
Rumours that Bradley Walsh is set to play Jodie Whittaker's companion have been swirling for some time now, but fans think her Doctor should actually have more than one companion.
"I love the dynamic of having more than one companion," Isabella Robinson wrote.
She's among the 63 per cent of fans who said they'd like to see several people travelling through space and time, just like Amy and Rory did during the Eleventh Doctor's adventures.
"I'd like to see sibling companions which would give a different dynamic," Jordan Ross Stewart suggested.
"I would also like a companion who is more of an assistant to the Doctor, as opposed to a love interest or the focal point of the overlying story," Anony Mowse told us.
Heather L Haskett thinks Chris Chibnall and co should look to the companions of the classic series for inspiration: "I want a companion from the past. We haven't really done that in the reboot. We're done our time and future a lot. Why not have a Jamie again?"
And Claire Williams thinks it's time for "an alien companion, or a human from another time. One of the joys used to be the companions being confused about human mores."
Fans would prefer the Thirteenth Doctor's companion to be male
When asked if they'd prefer a male or female companion for Whittaker's Doctor, 63% said they'd prefer a man in the role.
The Thirteenth Doctor needs a new-look Tardis
Every Doctor has made their own subtle changes to the Gallifreyan space craft, and fans think Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor should be no exception.
79% of fans said they'd like to see the big blue police box's interior undergo a mini make-over.
"The current one is awesome", Des Johnson explained via Twitter, "but it came from the Doctor's darkest days".
And a new sonic screwdriver

Never mind those sonic shades, what fans really want to see is a new sonic screwdriver.
68% said they'd like Jodie Whittaker to have a brand new one.
It's time to introduce new villains - and revive some old favourites too

Fans were split almost 50/50 when it came to the Thirteenth Doctor's potential foes.
51% want to see some new mischief makers while 48% want to see some old faces.
"The Judoon, Slitheen, Silents, Weeping Angels, Sontarans, Cybermen and Daleks" are top of Digby Townsend's list, while Christopher Drewett is eager to see the Krynoids from Tom Baker story The Seeds of Doom again.
He's not the only one eager for throwbacks to the classic series. Anony Mowse would like to see the likes of the Draconians, Rutans, Celestial Toymaker and Meddling Monk popping up again too.
Bring back Captain Jack!

If there's one Doctor Who character everyone seems to want to see again it's John Barrowman's Captain Jack Harkness.
A third of fans polled said Jack was the character they'd most like to return to the series, with most citing his reaction to a new female Doctor as one of the things they'd be most excited to see.
"His return is long overdue," said Sean Bassett. "It really should have happened in The Day of The Doctor."
Jack was followed closely by the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan, who took 11% of the vote."'Grand... mother?' is a line I'd love to hear Carole Ann Ford deliver," said Charlie Notton.
Alex Kingston's River Song took third place, while UNIT's Kate Stewart was the fourth most popular and Michelle Gomez's Missy came fifth.
And have even more adventures in space and time
Forget modern day Earth, Doctor Who fans want series 11 to take place on different planets and in different time periods.
68% of those polled said the Thirteenth Doctor's adventures should take her to the far corners of the Whoniverse and feature more trips back in time.
Mary Fairall Fansler would like to see the whole series revolving around one storyline. "Not these 'little' 'quick' stories, somewhat like in the days of the Eleventh Doctor. I want to be confused, shocked and amazed by the story!", she wrote.
Oh and since we're on the subject of time, Allen Kitching has one request for the powers that be in the scheduling department. "I'd be happy if it started at the same time every week," he said.
Doctor Who returns to BBC1 at Christmas