What time is Rellik on TV?
Everything you need to know about Harry and Jack Williams’ new reverse-chronology drama

The brothers behind The Missing are back with a new, chilling thriller – with a twist. Here’s everything you need to know…
What time is Rellik on TV?
Rellik concludes on Monday 16th October at 9pm on BBC1.
What’s it about?
Rellik (killer spelt backwards) tells the mind-bending tale of a serial killer case in reverse, starting with the capture of the prime suspect before winding back through time, gradually revealing the truth. DCI Gabriel Markham is at the centre of it all, as he obsessively hunts for the man who scarred him both physically and mentally.
Who’s in the cast?
Richard Dormer leads the cast alongside Jodi Balfour – meet the rest of the gang here.
Is it any good?
Our reviewer says that Rellik's unique backwards structure actually takes the thriller genre forward.
Is there a trailer?
Oh yes…