Where to watch and stream Lee and Dean – is the comedy series on Netflix?
Find out where to watch and stream Lee and Dean, if Lee and Dean is on Netflix as well as your guide to what the comedy series is about

Lee and Dean were childhood friends, now they're working as builders in Stevenage. Channel 4's semi-improvised mockumentary Lee and Dean reveals the personal lives of the pair - and how their routine of botched jobs and drinking sessions are unsettled when Lee meets a special someone.
Where can I watch Lee and Dean?
Lee and Dean isn't on Netflix, but you can watch it on All 4. Alternatively, you could purchase the DVD box set.
What is Lee and Dean about?
Lee is a ladies' man who loves drinking and is always happy to 'have a go' at a building job, even if he knows full well that he isn't capable of doing it properly. By contrast, Dean is an amateur poet and naturalist who doesn't fit anyone's idea of a typical builder. But the pair have been best friends since childhood, and even when their bond is threatened by Lee's new girlfriend Nikki taking up his precious time – much to Dean's dismay – it seems that there's nothing that can break apart their bromance.
Also upset by Lee's new relationship is his ex, Mrs Bryce-D'Souza, who tries to sabotage his relationship and keep Lee for herself. As it is revealed that Dean's interest in Lee is also more than just platonic, the drama builds to new heights.
The format of the show is similar to People Just Do Nothing and This Country, with deliberately shaky shots that attempt to make the show believable. In general the series was moderately well-received: at RadioTimes.com we rated it as the 32nd best show of 2018.
You can check our review of season one here.
How many seasons of Lee and Dean are there?
There have been two seasons so far. Whether there will be a season three is unclear, but the official Lee and Dean twitter account did retweet a fan's suggestion that a third season is in the works.
How many episodes of Lee and Dean are there?
In total, there are 12 episodes.
Who's in the cast of Lee and Dean?
The real-life pair who play Lee and Dean - Miles Chapman and Mark O'Sullivan - previously worked together on Flavours. Amongst its fans, Flavours counts The Thick of It creator Armando Iannucci, and Kim Cattrall, who played PR (and something else) expert Samantha on Sex and the City. All pretty impressive stuff.
Sheets is played by Sean Miller, whilst Mrs Bryce-D'Souza is played by Anna Morris. Nikki is played by Absolutely Fabulous's Camille Ucan, Little Dean is played by Sam Underwood of Fear the Walking Dead, and Midnight is played by Jason Barnett of Agatha Raisin. Chapman and O'Sullivan also co-starred in in Morgana Robinson's the Agency.