6 Coronation Street spoilers for next week: Toyah confronts cheating Imran
Kevin takes revenge on Corey and Audrey has a car crash.

Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) accuses Imran Habeeb (Charlie de Melo) of cheating on her - will he admit his one-night stand with ex-wife Sabeen Habeeb (Zora Bishop)?
Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) is on a mission to destroy Corey Brent (Maximus Evans) but puts himself in danger, David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) realises he's been duped and Audrey Roberts (Sue Nicholls) is involved in a car crash.
Here are all your Coronation Street spoilers for 27th September – 1st October 2021.
Imran and Sabeen caught out?

Guilty Imran is reminded of his infidelity when ex-wife Sabeen exploits their one-night stand and persuades him to help her with drug dealer Harvey Gaskell's appeal case - and by 'persuade' we mean 'blackmail'. Imran has no intention of helping the man who threatened his partner's sister and her family, but can he refuse when sly Sabeen threatens to tell Toyah where he really was the night of Seb's trial verdict?
Toyah gets suspicious when Gary Windass (Mikey North) innocently mentions he spied Imran heading to a bar on the aforementioned evening and realises her fella lied about where he was. Already irritated by Imran and Sabeen's closeness, Toyah asks her legal eagle lover outright if he's cheating on her - and he lies through his teeth that he isn't. When his story doesn't add up, Imran later admits to spending the night at Sabeen's place but insists there was no funny business. Sabeen goes along with the fib, but at a price, while Toyah appears appeased. For now…
Kevin's revenge on Corey

As Kelly Neelan (Millie Gibson) is sentenced, incandescent Kevin vows to make Corey pay hoping it will get justice for Seb and convince Abi Franklin (Sally Carman) to come home. News that the toxic teen has been promoted at Weatherfield County drives Kev's quest for vengeance and he lobbies the football club's manager to sack the young prodigy, but to no avail.
Corey's dastardly dad Stefan Brent (Paul Opacic) hears of Kevin's smear campaign against his son and confronts the mechanic, warning him to stop wrecking his reputation or there'll be trouble. Kev won't budge and Tim Metcalfe (Joe Duttine) grows increasingly concerned about his friend's obsession with trying to overturn the court's verdict, but can he talk him down before he makes the situation ten times worse?
David defends guilty Max

Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) is hauled in front of the deputy head over the alleged assault on Max Turner (Paddy Bever), and is told his brief teaching career is over if he doesn't apologise and drop his allegation that the lad stole his wallet. David continues to defend his naughty son despite wife Shona Platt (Julia Goulding) refusing to support him, while Daniel stands his ground as the police get involved.
Max's misdemeanours are eventually revealed when he tries to use Daniel's stolen bank card in the corner shop and Dev Alahan (Jimmi Harkishin) alerts David, who is mortified to realise Mr Osbourne was telling the truth. Considering how much his own mother has allowed him to get away with over the years, it's no wonder David is turning a blind eye to Max being a criminal in the making…
Audrey and Rita in car crash horror

Talking of the Platts, the street's most delightfully dysfunctional clan have other reasons to bicker beyond Max's bad behaviour as Gail Rodwell (Helen Worth) attempts to build bridges between Audrey and Rita Tanner (Barbara Knox) after their recent falling out, only to ignite that feud further and create another one in the process.
Annoyed when the surprise birthday party Gail has organised is a disaster, Aud strops out of the bistro but accidentally crashes into Rita's car when she drives off in a huff. Reet accuses the harassed hairdresser of damaging her motor on purpose, and Audrey is offended when the Platts close ranks and confiscate her car keys until she gets her eyes tested. Accusing her relatives of treating her like a doddery old woman, Audrey angrily refuses to be told what to do. Will anyone take the matriarch's side as battle lines are drawn?
Elsewhere on Coronation Street

- Wanting to channel her creative energies into something positive after a hellish few months, Nina Lucas (Mollie Gallagher) decides to study fashion at the local college and asks Asha Alahan (Tanisha Gorey) to model some samples for her portfolio. Asha is only too pleased to help, mainly because she's still got the hots for her ex, so when Nina gently reminds her they're still just mates she hides her devastation, later breaking down in front of twin brother Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain). His advice? Find a new love interest to get over her heartache!
- James Bailey (Nathan Graham) hears on the grapevine that Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) is having money troubles, which is weird as he's noticed his builder dad has been busier than ever lately and working crazy hours. When Aggie Bailey (Lorna Laidlaw) admits to her son that Grace Vickers (Kate Spencer) is squeezing the family financially dry in exchange for seeing Glory, James is livid and takes matters into his own hands. Grace is not a woman to be messed with, so he may regret taking her on…
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