A very, very, VERY brief look at Doctor Who series nine
BBC America aired a fleeting glimpse of the sci-fi show's upcoming ninth season, don't expect much...

Before you scroll down, a caveat: don't expect much from this first footage of Doctor Who series nine.
The ten-second 'teaser' for the new episodes of Doctor Who aired on BBC America on Saturday night after the season finale of Orphan Black, but – snazzy camera work aside – it's not giving anything away.
Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman are (sadly) absent from the brief snippet – instead it's the Tardis that stars as the camera zig zags along its iconic blue panelled doors before zooming in on the sign pinned to the box as it dematerialises.
Yup, that's really it. Draw from it what you will and post any wild theories in the comments box below. And in the meantime, have you read...
Doctor Who video update suggests Maisie Williams story will feature the new series 9 monster
Well, this is uncanny: Sean Pertwee looks exactly like his father Jon in Doctor Who photo