Madonna. Bono. Schmidt. Only a certain calibre of person can carry off using just a single name as their brand. And for six years and 130+ episodes New Girl's fan favourite has been one of them. Schmidt. Simply Schmidt.


But all that is about to change. The US comedy has finally revealed the OCD entrepreneur's first name – and things are going to get confusing...

You see Schmidt's name is Winston.


Yep, the same as his friend and flatmate. Which, based on this clip from the show, is something the original Winston has been aware of all along and is not happy about...

It's also worth noting that Schmidt has a middle name: Saint-Marie. So yes, we're looking at a full moniker of Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt. Beautiful.

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The revelation comes midway through season six, which is currently showing in America and will kick off in the UK on E4 on 20 April. So at least you have a few weeks to prepare yourselves.
