A Touch of Cloth, the cop show satire from Charlie Brooker and Daniel Maier, is well and truly back for series three.


As fans of Jack Cloth and Ann Oldman (pronounced "An Old Man") already know, however, it's impossible to catch every single Airplane!-style, blink-and-you'll-miss-it sight gag the show has become known for. This is thanks to the combined powers of the prop department and camera crew, who have a tendency to sneak in added comedic easter eggs alongside Brooker's plays on words and deconstruction of crime drama clichés.

So, for those of you who like laughing without pausing the TV every two minutes, we've done all the hard work for you and scoured tonight's episode for a sneaky pile of secret jokes you may just have missed. How many did you spot?

First, an easy one: The opening titles consist entirely of Jack Cloth dramatically turning his face to the camera over and over again...

“No tractors in lecture theatre” and "Noam Chomsky says... Switch off your mobile phone."

More like this

"New around here? It could happen on your first day."

The pub is completely police-themed, with one sign reading: “Friday Night is forensics disco night”...

...and ales called, “Institutional Racism.”

Police hat on the bar. Judge in the background.

“Sponsored crucifixion” and “Coffee and Valium Mornings”

“Please leave quietly: this is a residential area for dead people.”

Karen Gillan being 'comforted' before a cut to ads.

“Mexican stand-off training” and "Guns don't kill people unless used correctly."

“GUNS: Great fun. Use carefully. Nice to hold. Shoot him!”

“Potential Suspect: Damien Vull looks you in the eye and claims to be entirely innocent.”

“Notice: Policeman's Ball found in the locker room. See desk sergeant to reclaim.”


A Touch of Cloth concludes with part two on Sky1 tomorrow night at 9pm.
