Much like her bookish Harry Potter character Hermione Granger, Emma Watson is keen to ensure she gets the most out of her education. The British star has apparently turned down film roles in order to cram in enough revision to complete her university English degree.


“Emma is in demand with Hollywood directors but has so much to focus on with her studies, that she has had to pass on a few things – she simply can’t do ­everything,” a source reportedly told The Mirror.

“It’s tough but she believes it was the right thing.”

Watson is studying English at Brown University in Rhode Island, New England, and in the run up to the end of term told fellow students via Twitter “Anyone handing in final papers, taking exams, working hard ... You can dooo ittttt!!!” accompanied by a photo of a laptop and papers on her desk.

As sensible as Watson’s decision is, it shouldn’t damage her career too much. She managed to squeeze two major movies – The Bling Ring and This Is the End – into 2013 and is already starring in two more – Noah and Your Voice in My Head – in 2014.

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