As you may remember, last week Star Wars actor Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker) promised that if he reached 1 million followers on Twitter he’d release a shocking Star Wars episode VIII spoiler – and given that he passed that milestone a few days ago, it should be no surprise that the Jedi Knight has kept his word.


Are you ready to see it? Look away now if you want to go into the cinema pure and unspoiled as a recently-baptised Ewok.


Still sure you want to see this? Well here it comes…

As promised!#Ep8SPOILER Plot:GoodvsEvil-Set in past-In Distant Solar System-Luke's part TWICE as big as in #Ep7! :-)

— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) April 6, 2016

Hmm – a little less momentous than we were hoping (clearly Hamill is taking cues from his other famous role as the voice of Batman’s nemesis the Joker), but at least we now know one thing about the new film.

Yes, Luke Skywalker will STILL be absolutely silent, since zero multiplied by two is still zero. You heard it here first.

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Star Wars Episode VIII will be released in December 2018
