Some people are saying Die Hard is not a Christmas film and people are REALLY mad
Is the Bruce Willis action flick a festive film? Or a movie merely set at Christmas?

Published: Monday, 27 November 2017 at 0:09 pm
Die Hard: the film that gifted us Bruce Willis as John “yipi-ki-yay” Mcclane and Alan Rickman as unforgettable villain Hans Gruber. A classic that comes around every year.
However, Twitter has been trying to get to the bottom of a huge question: is Die Hard a Christmas film?
Some have said it’s certainly NOT a festive movie, but merely set at Christmas time…
And they say Christmas doesn't play an important role in the film's message or plot...
Some pointed out that if Die Hard was truly a Christmas film then people would only talk about it at Christmas. But, according to the Google search traffic over the past 10 years, this hasn’t happened...
(The spikes in 2007 and 2013 came after the release of Live Free or Die Hard and A Good Day to Die Hard, respectively.)
However, others disagree VERY strongly...
Why? Well, they say it's not only set around Christmas, but it also contains a festive message...
So, what's your view? Do you think YippeeKiYay, Die Hard is not only a Christmas film, but the best one ever? Or YippeeKiNay, another movie deserves the title?