It's the words we've wanted to hear for years: "Jack and Ianto back together". John Barrowman, you do spoil us.


The Doctor Who and Torchwood star tweeted a series of pictures featuring Welsh actor Gareth David-Lloyd, otherwise known as Ianto Jones.

Jack and Ianto back together:) #Torchwood JB

— John Barrowman MBE (@Team_Barrowman) May 16, 2016

The pair appear to be in some kind of studio, although, obviously, being a colossal tease, Barrowman instead chose to say that this loving reunion took place in a "dark room".

We already know that Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones are set to reunite in a new Torchwood adventure courtesy of audio drama producers Big Finish, so this could well be that special recording day.

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Although, if we wanted to be even more optimistic, we could even link this to Barrowman's recent hint that he is set to make a return to the world of Doctor Who.

“I will be back in Cardiff in about a week and a half," he said in a Facebook video on 6th May (yep, about a week and a half ago). “But I’m not telling you what for…sssh!”


Could both Captain Jack AND Ianto somehow make an appearance in the Doctor Who Christmas special? Now that really would be a present worth waiting for...
